Our community is extremely talented and artistic. From time to time, we are grateful to receive your program proposals. In order for us to get approval from our Board and to look through logistics, we need some information from you. Please refer to the following for curating your MV program proposal.
Following are some details that will help us make an informed decision. Email this through the Contact Us web page on the MarathiVishwa.org site.
- Name of the organization
- City/State
- Phone and Email of Contact Person
- Program Title
- Type of program
- Has this been performed before? If yes, then provide details
- Program Description
- What sets you apart?
- Venue specific requirements
- # of Production team members
- # of artists expected on stage
- Off stage production team members
- Program duration (run-time)/Intermission?
- Setup Time and Wind-up Time
- Sound requirements/ Video-projector, screen requirements/Live Music requirements
- Pre-recorded tracks
- Lights requirements (if any special requirements)
- Set requirements (if applicable)
- Remuneration
- Room and Board (for how many?)
- Transportation needed? (For how many)