MVYP_Silver Sponsor 1
We are happy to announce that Marathi Vishwa Yellow Pages is now a permanent and dedicated page on our website! This is a great opportunity to promote business/services on Marathi Vishwa website along with two lines of your business description and contact details for a nominal fee of $50 for a full year/365 days!
If you are interested, please fill out the MV Yellow Pages form here:
Business Name Business Email Business Contact Contact Person Description Work Area
South Brunswick Marathi Shalasbmshala@gmail.con201-965-9242Raghav KulkarniShala runs alternate Sundays from September to June for children aged 5 to 15. Please visit for more details.Marathi Shala
Bridgewater Marathi Shalabrnjmarathishala@gmail.com732-804-5393Nutan BagulMarathi shala for ages 4-18Marathi Shala
Vitthal Mandir US (Sacred Foundation)namaste@vitthalmandirus.org551-241-3519Bhau Kulkarni at bhaukulkarni@vitthalmandirus.orgVitthal Mandir is a platform for our community to come together and live up to Tukaram Maharaj's dictum "एकमेका साह्य करू, अवघे धरू सुपंथ".Temple
Notary Publicsparkarusa@gmail.com201-600-9647Salil ParkarNotary ServiceNotary
Notary Serviceniranjan.mulay@gmail.com973-405-0595Niru MulayFree Notary service for MV membersNotary