President updates

Looking back at 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

To say that 2023 has been quite eventful for Marathi Vishwa New Jersey, will be an understatement.

As you can see from the list of activities below, the Marathi Vishwa Committee has been busy the entire year starting with Sankrant and ending yesterday with Gita Jayanti celebrations. Marathi Vishwa Committee not only hosted events/programs and various competitions this year, but they also had a very important task at hand.

The Marathi Vishwa Community Center sale talks were happening earlier in the year and we knew we had to get ready for this eventuality. The sale was finalized on June 29, 2023. But the Committee had already started on exit plans by spending countless hours cleaning up, inventorying items in MVCC, selling what was not needed and moving what was needed, to a storage facility. This was our busiest time and we still managed to host the successful fundraiser – ‘Swaratosav’ with Mahesh Kale.

This was also the time when we started revamping the Marathi Vishwa website, and it was unveiled on Jul 19, 2023 with updated content, FAQs, Business Tie-Up information, Sponsorships and introducing for the first time, the ‘MV Yellow Pages’. We even added a page to showcase local Community Events, courtesy of two sponsors. If you have not done so yet, please check out our newly minted website.

The ink on the MVCC Sale contract was barely dry, when we started as a team to build the set for the Ganeshotsav Natak – ‘Niyam Ani Ati Laagu’. Set building took more than a month and I am very proud of the team members who spent their summer weekends on this physical work to ensure that MV members had a memorable experience. Sachin Adbe led this effort and our set was so good and sturdy, that it was taken from our New Jersey performance to Delaware, Washington DC and Raleigh!

At the same time, Rangadeep 2023 planning which started in June was full steam ahead with their editorial process. Priya Godbole ably led this effort and you can see the proof in your hands.  This year, we even had two Jr. Editors from New Jersey who helped bring a fresh set of ideas.

As we wind up this year, I would not only like to thank my own team but also our Trustees – Mr. Kiran Rege, Mr. Nitin Apte, retired Trustee Snehal Vaze and our new Trustee, Mr. Vihar Deshpande, who ably guide us, but also the MV Investment Committee, who work diligently in the background to ensure safe returns on our investments. I would like to take a moment to thank Mr. Vivek Patankar, Mr. Prakash Dhargalkar and Mr. Shrikant Nadkarni who make up the Marathi Vishwa Investment Committee.  I value their advice and am grateful for their support.

This year we also said goodbye to the Marathi Vishwa Community Center – Operating Committee members – Mr. Mahesh Shirodkar, Mr. Amol Purav and Mr. Deodatta Desai. Their stewardship of MVCC day to-day running was much appreciated. 

And finally, I would like to thank all our members and dedicated volunteers for making Marathi Vishwa New Jersey, an organization to be proud of. It is your continuous and unfailing support that gives us impetus to deliver year after year, an unforgettable cultural experience.

Marathi Vishwa New Jersey is in its 45th year and I know it will go on from strength to strength with your blessings and unwavering support. Thank You.

|| संहता हि महाबला: ||

Anagha Yerande

President, Marathi Vishwa New Jersey


MV Diwali 2023

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